Rising Stars Academy

Founded in 2012 by Mark & Deb Prentiss, Rising Stars Academy is a school for students ages 18-26 with special needs.  They provide a unique curriculum, rooted in the culinary arts, that promotes education, hands-on experience, and personal growth that will help to get their students  gainfully employed in the future.  Future expansion of their curriculum includes partnering with YarnTravel to provide products for the fiber arts community.


RSA Fiber Studio

Products & Fiber Now Available

Products & Fiber Now Available

RSA Fiber Studio is located inside Rising Stars Academy. The studio learns the fiber process from sheep to shawl with a focus on sustainability, our dyes are plant based and often created from food scraps in our own processing plant or our beautiful garden. We clean and process natural fibers from sources as close to the school as possible. Our finished products are available online or at the studio.